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Holy Land Tour
Holy Land Tour 2016 - Deaf Light of Hope
ISDHH had the honor and privilege of hosting the interfaith delegation to the Holy Land. Muslims, Christians and Jews, traveled as ambassadors of Peace to the Holy Land. We visited the Tomb of Prophet Abraham/Ibrahim, (PBUH), the Grandfather to all three faiths. We visited the Dome of the Rock where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made his ascension up into the seventh heaven to meet Allah SWT, and we visited Bethlehem, the sacred birth of Jesus and the holy sites where he preached his sermons. In addition to these Holy sites, we also visited the two deaf schools in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. We documented our journey of faith, non-violence, peace, dialogue, and reconciliation through film. The film director, Amir Mumammad, filmed our peace mission trip with the deaf interfaith group and the other deaf and hearing groups in the Holy Land, and created an independent film for Sundance Film Festival of the first deaf interfaith group, Ambassadors for Peace. The film is called “A Light of Hope“. The trip in itself was “extraordinarily historic” given that the three main faith communities gathered together because they want peace, harmony and justice for ALL humanity. ISDHH offered interfaith workshops prior to this trip to prepare for this peace mission together.
In March, ISDHH took deaf Muslims and Christians to Holy Land Palestine. Here are the pictures of the Holy land Tour. Lover’s Lane